
Friday, 25 May 2012

Time is of the essence

The most frustrating thing that I have found since setting myself on this path is finding the time to write more of what I'd like. It's incredibly frustrating having a nice erotic idea rattling around in your head and simply not being able to find the time to capture the words on paper.

Between that and trying to re-edit some of my older works (and add to them to make it worth people's while to spend a dollar or two on the story even if they've read it before) I quite simply can't seem to get it together with the speed i'd like.

If you've dropped by to read my little blog, feel free to let me know you've been here. Email or comment or something, give me some encouragement and it just might spur me on to get something happening quicker!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Settling on a start

Ok, so I think that I've managed to decide where to start. I think that I'll work through some of my old office and work based stories for something of a series and add some bits and pieces so that there's something extra for those that are prepared to fork out a dollar or two.

I was going back and editing the Dentist story that I wrote and noticed that I left it hanging with a need for Amy to make one more trip back to the hot dentist and his assistant. I also left it pretty clear that the receptionist was a potential addition to the mix.

So I'm thinking that there's a bit to add and then maybe I have my first short story. Then I just need to come up with a cover.

I worry that if I self edit I'll miss something and put people off my future work, but that if I pay an editor, I won't make my money back. You'd think that with the number of people that have read my work on lit that I'd have more confidence, but in the back of my mind I can't help but think ... will they pay for it?