
Monday, 18 June 2012

Targetting a time line

Ok, so I managed to finish the Caravan Park story - Hooray! Now I just have this little issue that my editor is away until some time in July. So that sets me a target, choose some stories, write some more, get it edited, get a book cover ...

Let's aim for August 12th for my first ever self published e-book. Ambitious? Maybe, but hell, I will get such a thrill if I can get it out there ... especially if you buy it :)

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Writing again

I've managed to start writing again and am two thirds of a way through a little romp about some girls that get up to some fun in a caravan park with a game they like to call caravan park roulette. I'll probably post a little of it on literotica ... just for a tease ;)