
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Some books to consider

I was browsing books on Smashwords the other day and found these that I thought might be worth a look. I haven't read more than the samples, so don't go rushing out to buy them because you think I think they're amazing, it's just me saying I might buy them to keep my mind working ;)

licks and kisses,


Friday, 23 November 2012

The Dark Side

Oh, you know that dark side i mentioned ... if you enjoy that sort of thing ... click here.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

An appeal

Have you bought one of my books? Have you reviewed it? Out of curiousity I was looking at the top books by rating. Nikkirotica 1 appears on like page 9 or something with 4 excellent reviews. Another one or two good reviews and 5 star ratings and it would move significantly forward in that list.

So ... here's the appeal - please review and rate my work if you've bought it. I'll provide you with a surprise if you do!

Now clearly 5 stars would be preferred, but I'd hate to think that anyone felt pressured to rate my work so high. If you can't give 5, be honest :) or ... save it for another time? Hehe.

I'm also very close to my first 'dark side' book being published. Still debating whether that will be here or not though.

licks and kisses,


Friday, 16 November 2012

Where to put it?

For those of you that have found yourselves here via Lit, you will know some (a lot?) of my stories venture into themes that aren't as run as the mill as everyday erotica. I am close to publishing one of those stories and am stuck with the question of whether to publish it under this name or to use a pen name to separate my 'darker' work from that which I have happily published here.

I'm not sure whether having the even kinkier stuff mixed here will put off people that aren't prepared to read it from reading everything I publish and so shouldn't put it here. The other question is will that work prove more popular and hence do I lose traffic through these works because they're not linked.

It's a bit of a dilemma. I'm very close to publishing that third, kinky book and so will have to decide very soon.

If I do separate the themes, I'll be sure to link to them through Lit so that they can be tracked. I'll also link back to my works as me, Nikki from those books. I just don't know about linking the other way.

Oh and Seducing Coach is still in development. I certainly haven't abandoned it!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Rookie Error

I just found out today that I made a rookie error with the Partner Swap. I decided to change some of the names before I published the book. I thought that I'd managed to do a thorough replacement, but today I was informed that the names changed shortly through the book.

Talk about embarrassed. That's why I used an editor for my first book. Unfortunately the cost of doing so hasn't yet seen me turn a profit on my work and so for the second book I decided to self-edit. Guess I didn't quite get that right!

Anyway, I have re-checked and re-loaded the book, so if you already own a copy, please re-download it so that you have the latest and greatest!

If you do happen to detect errors in any of my work, I am certainly appreciative of finding out so that I get the opportunity to correct them

Licks and kisses,


Friday, 9 November 2012


Just a quick note to say that I have now properly fixed the font sizing issues with The Partner Swap so now it is available at iTunes and other mediums as well as Smashwords. So if you want the nice shiny clean one (not sure that I ever really worked out if there was a serious problem or not) please down load it :)

licks and kisses, 


Thursday, 1 November 2012


So Smashwords has this meatgrinder thing which takes the file I submit and turns it into the various forms in which the book is published. The first book that I published had no problem and went straight through.

The second one seemed to have been fine, but then was rejected for premium status. Apparently there were some style issues that would mean that when it published there would be different sized fonts in different parts of the book.

All that doesn't mean much other than if you were one of the first four people that bought my book, that may be a glitch that you notice. Or you may not. I have, however hopefully fixed this and uploaded a version that shouldn't have this trouble. So you may like to download the newer version (I don't believe it costs any extra).

And just to share some current inspiration:

licks and kisses,