
Sunday, 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Just a quick one to wish all my readers and fans a very Merry Christmas. I hope that you have a lovely time with your families or however you choose to celebrate it.

If you're not of a persuasion that celebrates the Christian tradition, then I hope you have a good time anyway!

Oh yes, and if you'd like to liven up someone's Christmas, why not gift them a book! You can share the pleasure of enjoying my writing and make me even happier!

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 18 December 2012


I know that I said I'd aim for Christmas to publish and I know that I usually miss my targets, but surprise! Seducing Coach has been published!

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

licks and kisses,


Friday, 14 December 2012

Tapping Away

You'll be pleased to know that I've been tapping away at the keyboard to try and make my pre-Christmas publishing deadline for Seducing Coach. It's at 40,000 words, so it's coming along nicely. I think that I should finish it off early this week and then have to go back and edit it.

Hopefully that means that it will be published around the 22nd or so. Cutting it fine but working hard!

In other news, I hear that Nikki Dark is working to turn out another work soon as well. Likely sometime early in the new year. I know that there are fans waiting for that too!

Oh and in other good news, Nikkirotica 1 now ha 5 reviews which when you filter to erotica and highest rated get's me to page 5. One more 5 star review would get me all the way up to page 3! *hint hint*

licks and kisses,


Monday, 10 December 2012

Seducing Coach

Thanks to those of you that let me know your preference for the next book. It was unanimous for Seducing Coach and so I am now very actively trying to bring that to completion so that I can publish before Christmas.

I try not to be distracted looking for inspiration! You know ... this sort of thing ...

licks and kisses,


Monday, 3 December 2012

Just a quickie

I'm sure people are wondering what I am up to and when the next book will be out. I am still working on Seducing Coach and the office story that I hope to publish soon. I'm not sure if I can get them out in time for Christmas, but perhaps i'll make that the target.

So ... which do people think they'd like to see first .. a compilation of work/office based stories, or Seducing Coach?

Let me know in the comments.

licks and kisses,
