Just a quick note to say that the latest Nikki Dark book is now available for purchase over at Smashwords. Get over there and grab your copy!
licks and kisses,
Monday, 16 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
One L or two?
Ok, so this is a bit of an odd one, but something that I have been noticing and had to comment on. Ever since I've been posting the Nikki and Sammi story, I have been referring to installments. It's funny because I work across a couple of computers and environments and clearly I've run into an English vs American English peculiarity.
I'm used to American software constantly trying to change my s to z and am somewhat immune to it. I know the American version has an aversion to the letter U as well. What I didn't realise was that the American's also have an aversion to putting the second L in installment. Even as I write this on my iPad I can see blogger screaming at me that there should only be a single L.
Whenever I write on a computer set to English (UK) though, it tells me that my instincts around two Ls is correct.
As an Australian, brought up on a diet closely aligned to UK English rather than American, but who has lived in Canada I can get a little interchangeable with some things (like my constant use of the word panties - a topic of its own) but there are some lines that must be drawn. I struggled when I first taught myself HTML because I couldn't get things to centre on the page. When I worked out I had to center them, it became easier, but no less confusing!
I've decided that I don't like the single L version so from now on, two Ls it is! I've even just checked dictionary.com and it agrees that the preferred form is with two.
Glad I got that off my chest!
licks and kisses,
I'm used to American software constantly trying to change my s to z and am somewhat immune to it. I know the American version has an aversion to the letter U as well. What I didn't realise was that the American's also have an aversion to putting the second L in installment. Even as I write this on my iPad I can see blogger screaming at me that there should only be a single L.
Whenever I write on a computer set to English (UK) though, it tells me that my instincts around two Ls is correct.
As an Australian, brought up on a diet closely aligned to UK English rather than American, but who has lived in Canada I can get a little interchangeable with some things (like my constant use of the word panties - a topic of its own) but there are some lines that must be drawn. I struggled when I first taught myself HTML because I couldn't get things to centre on the page. When I worked out I had to center them, it became easier, but no less confusing!
I've decided that I don't like the single L version so from now on, two Ls it is! I've even just checked dictionary.com and it agrees that the preferred form is with two.
Glad I got that off my chest!
licks and kisses,
Next Installment
So after yesterday saying that I wasn't quite sure when the next installment was going to be posted, I pulled my finger out and made sure that I wrote something.
It's up, so check it out over at my erotic story experiment page. Be sure to vote for what happens next!
licks and kisses,
It's up, so check it out over at my erotic story experiment page. Be sure to vote for what happens next!
licks and kisses,
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Yes, after a flurry of activity, with two books in pre-release, I've been a bit slow. I am keenly aware that I haven't posted a continuation to Nikki and Sammi's story over at my erotic story experiment, but hope to do so in the next day or so.
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Sunday, 1 December 2013
A new Nikki Dark Book
A new Nikki Dark book is now available for pre-order over at Smashwords. Check it out, it's a bit different to what has been written in the past, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just as much!
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Next Installment
I don't know if I need to announce each time I put a new part of Nikki and Sammi's story up, but just in case, I thought I'd belatedly let you know that I added to it here
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Friday, 22 November 2013
What is Nikki Writing?
Just because I am sure that you're wondering, I thought that I'd give you an update on the things that I am currently working on. Hopefully it whets your appetite.
So there are a couple of things imminent, both to come out under the Nikki Dark moniker. A sleep walking based quikki and a longer story that is actually a request from one of my biggest fans. It's a different area to what I normally write, so hopefully it tickles a few libidos! I'm pretty sure that people will still like it.
Both of these are currently being beta-read and just need editing and cover art before I get around to publishing them.
The other thing that has been mentioned here recently that I've been plugging away at is ComicCon Bingo. So far there's almost 12,000 words down for that one. I'm certainly enjoying writing it, though I can't say for sure where it is going to finish. THat's one of the things that constantly surprises me when I write. I can start somewhere with a reasonably fixed idea of where it is going to go, but then it is like the characters take on a life of their own and lead me somewhere different to where I thought. It keeps the writing fun.
licks and kisses,
So there are a couple of things imminent, both to come out under the Nikki Dark moniker. A sleep walking based quikki and a longer story that is actually a request from one of my biggest fans. It's a different area to what I normally write, so hopefully it tickles a few libidos! I'm pretty sure that people will still like it.
Both of these are currently being beta-read and just need editing and cover art before I get around to publishing them.
The other thing that has been mentioned here recently that I've been plugging away at is ComicCon Bingo. So far there's almost 12,000 words down for that one. I'm certainly enjoying writing it, though I can't say for sure where it is going to finish. THat's one of the things that constantly surprises me when I write. I can start somewhere with a reasonably fixed idea of where it is going to go, but then it is like the characters take on a life of their own and lead me somewhere different to where I thought. It keeps the writing fun.
licks and kisses,
Story Update - new post
Just thought I would let you know that the next instalment has been posted. Yes, I was a bit slack this week, but the main thing is that it's up.
Click on the image to the left to visit or simply go here
Don't forget to vote on what happens next.
licks and kisses,
Click on the image to the left to visit or simply go here
Don't forget to vote on what happens next.
licks and kisses,
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Nikki and Sammi Update
My little experimental story has received its latest update. Head on over by clicking the picture to the left ... or just go here
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Comic-Con Bingo Inspiration
Ok, so here's some images that have been inspiring me as I write my Comic-con story ...
Clearly this just scratches the surface!
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Nikki and Sammi - the next instalment
The next instalment of the story is up for your reading pleasure. Head on over to see where things are headed and don't forget to vote to see where it goes next!
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Sunday, 3 November 2013
As promised - Nikki and Sammi
As promised, the latest instalment of my story experiment is up. Nikki and Sammi continue to party!
Click here for a read.
licks and kisses,
Click here for a read.
licks and kisses,
Where's Nikki?
Just in case you're worried, i haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I am writing even. I managed to keep to a pretty slick schedule with my experimental piece for the first few weeks because I had most of it pre-written. We're now venturing into less-charted territory and given the last vote was so close, I couldn't be sure just where I would need to take it. That's now taken care of and hopefully later today the next bit will be up.
I have also been working on other things, notably a story for someone who has helped me out a lot recently. The original concept was a 5k word quikki, but somehow that's transformed itself into 12k words and counting. I hope to try and complete the first draft of that next week.
So there you go, I am alive, I am writing and I'm even managing to squeeze some fun into my life!
Licks and kisses
I have also been working on other things, notably a story for someone who has helped me out a lot recently. The original concept was a 5k word quikki, but somehow that's transformed itself into 12k words and counting. I hope to try and complete the first draft of that next week.
So there you go, I am alive, I am writing and I'm even managing to squeeze some fun into my life!
Licks and kisses
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Next story entry is up
I may have forgotten to point it out, but for those who don't follow the story I've been posting, the latest entry is up! Click on the image to the left, or go here.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Nikki and Sammi
The next instalment in my little story experiment is up. Go check it out and make sure that you vote for what you want to happen next! Click here to get there, or on the photo to the left.
Licks and kisses
Licks and kisses
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Spin the bottle
Just in case you're the sort of person that checks here before you check the evolving story, I've just posted the latest instalment. After a totally unanimous decision Nikki and Sammi are sitting down to play spin the bottle.
Oh and I am some 3k words into a new story ... something requested by a friend. I don't often do requests, but if the stars align it can happen.
The Dark Room has also received some recent attention which I know a number of people are excited about, and I've got the first chapter of what may well be my first romance complete (though I'll probably have to do a dirty version of it to!)
Licks and kisses,
Oh and I am some 3k words into a new story ... something requested by a friend. I don't often do requests, but if the stars align it can happen.
The Dark Room has also received some recent attention which I know a number of people are excited about, and I've got the first chapter of what may well be my first romance complete (though I'll probably have to do a dirty version of it to!)
Licks and kisses,
Thursday, 3 October 2013
The Erotic Story Continues
Just in case you haven't wandered over there yet, I've put the next instalment up:
Just click here
licks and kisses,
Just click here
licks and kisses,
Monday, 30 September 2013
Steve and Julie's Story Published!
It was intended to publish with a pre-order setting so that i could build anticipation around the release of this book, but it would appear that I messed up. So it's up right now over at Smashwords. Look for Nikki Dark and turn off that pesky adult filter ;)
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Almost there
So, I think I have finally nailed the title and cover for Steve and Julie's story! I'll be doing a pre-release via smashwords (Nikki Dark) so keep an eye out for it. I'll certainly announce when I've done it
licks and kisses
licks and kisses
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Voting on the Story
Ok, thanks to investing 30 seconds on Google, I worked out how to put a poll on the blog, so if you head over to the story, you can now vote on the right hand side.
Licks and kisses,
Licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Reader's choice - part 2
Ok, so the winner was library and I have now posted the second part to this story. I have started a new blog to capture it which can be found here.
Licks and kisses,
Licks and kisses,
Friday, 20 September 2013
It has begun!
Ok, so the first piece of the erotic story experiment has been posted. Click here then read the story.
At the end, leave a comment so that I know where you want it to go ...
licks and kisses
At the end, leave a comment so that I know where you want it to go ...
licks and kisses
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Reader's Choice - an Erotic Story Experiment
Some time ago I started an experiment. A friend introduced me to the concept of wiki files and because my mind works the way that it does I wondered ow I might be able to put this discovery to use.
I found that it can be quite a useful writing tool because of the capacity to link back to things repeatedly. Tat meant at as a character developed and important things happened I could track them. I've tended to revert to more standard methods of word processing in recent times but came across the file that I'd used to experiment with.
It was something a little different - a choose your own sex adventure. You read a bit and then at the end of each piece choose option a or option b.
I never quite worked out what would be a good method of sharing it as I am not tech savvy enough to lock it down so tag people's can't change it, but today I came up with a way to put it to use.
Right here on my blog I am going to introduce a reader's choice sex adventure. I'll post a piece at a time and ask you to choose which way the story goes at the end of each segment. Some segments will be longer an others and depending how quickly we get into bits that I haven't already written posts may take a bit of time to get up in public.
In the end it's an experiment and hopefully a bit of fun.
Votes for which path is taken will be via comments, so if you want a say in where it goes, you'll need to say it that way. If you follow this blog you'll get emails when new posts go up.
I hope that you'll enjoy it and let's see where this little experiment goes. I will try to set it up as an alternate page on this blog, but if that doesn't work I'll have to do it on a separate one and link it. I'll play around a little more when I'm not trying to do it from the iPad.
Licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Still loving that little thrill
I checked my email today and saw that there was a purchase notification. I still get a little thrill when I receive one of those, especially when like today it was someone that had bought all of y Nikki Hall books in one go!
My sales certainly aren't in the realms of JK Rowling or even good enough to contemplate using the earnings for a nice holiday, so every single one of them is special to me.
I just thought I'd say thanks to everyone that has given me or of those little thrills. Hopefully I've managed to give you a thrill or two in return though my writing.
Licks and kisses
My sales certainly aren't in the realms of JK Rowling or even good enough to contemplate using the earnings for a nice holiday, so every single one of them is special to me.
I just thought I'd say thanks to everyone that has given me or of those little thrills. Hopefully I've managed to give you a thrill or two in return though my writing.
Licks and kisses
Thursday, 5 September 2013
What's next?
I thought you might be interested to know what I am doing while Steve and Julie's story is being beta read.
I was challenged a while back to do two things.
1. Write something based on one word ... Ship wrecked ... And
2. Write something more romantic.
I am attempting to combine the two, thoug I think the second part will be harder to achieve. It will still be hot and with plenty of sex so I'll just have to see how it pans out and if people like it.
I'll also be starting to put someone together around my comicon bingo idea and maybe even begin the re-edit and addition process to The Dark Room.
licks and kisses,
I was challenged a while back to do two things.
1. Write something based on one word ... Ship wrecked ... And
2. Write something more romantic.
I am attempting to combine the two, thoug I think the second part will be harder to achieve. It will still be hot and with plenty of sex so I'll just have to see how it pans out and if people like it.
I'll also be starting to put someone together around my comicon bingo idea and maybe even begin the re-edit and addition process to The Dark Room.
licks and kisses,
Friday, 30 August 2013
Nikkirotica 1 Fun with Friends now FREE
Hi all, I've decided to now offer my first book for free. Thanks for those that supported it early in its life and help me get underway with this little venture, I really appreciate your support.
I look forward to getting the next Nikki Dark book out in the near future.
licks and kisses,
I look forward to getting the next Nikki Dark book out in the near future.
licks and kisses,
Thursday, 15 August 2013
What's Nikki Doing?
What am I up to you wonder? Well I have finally managed to finish and re-edit Steve and Julie's story. Now it's time for a beta read and to try and come up with a cover for the book.
Licks and kisses,
Licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Unsolicited feedback - The Model Next Door
I just received the following in relation to this story, which was a nice little rush -
"OMG talk about distracting, I was practically wet the whole lecture thanks to you and now I just want to be bent over the lecture theatre desk and fucken pounded.
This was after a fan sent it to a third party and she read it during a lecture. Nice to know that it's having the desired effect!
Licks and kisses,
"OMG talk about distracting, I was practically wet the whole lecture thanks to you and now I just want to be bent over the lecture theatre desk and fucken pounded.
This was after a fan sent it to a third party and she read it during a lecture. Nice to know that it's having the desired effect!
Licks and kisses,
Sunday, 4 August 2013
The Model Next Door
So, I have in fact been a little bit productive and you can now enjoy the fruits of that little bit of industriousness with a brand new Quikki! I've priced it nice and cheap :)
I hope you enjoy it!
licks and kisses,
I hope you enjoy it!
licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Smash words Summer/Winter Sale!
Did you know that Smashwords is having a sale until the end of July?
I am participating which means that if you heads on over there, you can be try books at discounts of up to 100%
Click here to view my books!
I hope you take advantageadvantageage and enjoy my books!
I am participating which means that if you heads on over there, you can be try books at discounts of up to 100%
Click here to view my books!
I hope you take advantageadvantageage and enjoy my books!
Apparently this little blog of mine had racked up 10,000 views. If only that had translated into 10,000 sales.
Big licks and kisses to those of you that've purchased :)
Big licks and kisses to those of you that've purchased :)
Monday, 15 July 2013
Comicon Bingo
I attended an event over the weekend that resulted in a story idea. I won't get around to writing it straight away, but thought I'd capture it for later. What is it?
Comicon Bingo?
And what's that you ask? A challenge between a couple of friends that go to Comic Con and set each other the challenge to have a sexual encounter with a list of different people. That list could look like:
A Marvel Super Hero
Someone from a DC Comic
A starwars character
An Anime character
Someone from Game of Thrones
A Trekkie
A Pokemon
Something non-human (like a mech warrior or alien)
A Disney character
The first one to complete the list wins!
Comicon Bingo?
And what's that you ask? A challenge between a couple of friends that go to Comic Con and set each other the challenge to have a sexual encounter with a list of different people. That list could look like:
A Marvel Super Hero
Someone from a DC Comic
A starwars character
An Anime character
Someone from Game of Thrones
A Trekkie
A Pokemon
Something non-human (like a mech warrior or alien)
A Disney character
The first one to complete the list wins!
Sunday, 14 July 2013
So, I'm thinking about another quickie where the older (say 30ish) woman ends up having fun with the boy (18) next door. What would be hotter - if she were also a teacher from his school or simply the hot chick that everyone in the neighbourhood wants?
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
A Quikki by Nikki
So, following my post earlier ... here's some inspiration for the first Quikki by Nikki ... just to whet your appetite.
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Monday, 8 July 2013
An idea ...
I was thinking the other night about various things and was curious about pricing. I tend to keep my prices low as some of what I've been publishing and selling has been previously available for free. When I wander through Smashwords though I often see short little things around 5000 words for about the same price as my books.
I'm curious I as to whether they actually ever sell. I don't think that it will influence my pricing at this point, but I am wondering what the next Nikki Dark book should be sold for given its 200,000+ word length.
It also made me think of a new concept. A short story, a quick little flash from my mind. A new series of bits perhaps ... Something I might just refer to as ...
A Quikki by nikki!
Licks and kisses,
I'm curious I as to whether they actually ever sell. I don't think that it will influence my pricing at this point, but I am wondering what the next Nikki Dark book should be sold for given its 200,000+ word length.
It also made me think of a new concept. A short story, a quick little flash from my mind. A new series of bits perhaps ... Something I might just refer to as ...
A Quikki by nikki!
Licks and kisses,
Reviews please?
Hey everyone, so far the free book offer has managed to stimulate some interest and I am again seeing Nikkirotica 1: Fun With Friends getting snapped up. I truly hope that if you've grabbed a free copy that you enjoy it and that it inspires you to drop a couple of bucks on some of my other work. That would be a lovely thank you from you to me.
The other (and free!) way to say thank you would be to go to Smashwords and give me a lovely little 5 star rating and bit of a review. Doing so helps keep my books closer to the front of the 'highest rated' and might just assist with a few sales.
You don't have to, but I'd love it if you did.
Licks and kisses,
The other (and free!) way to say thank you would be to go to Smashwords and give me a lovely little 5 star rating and bit of a review. Doing so helps keep my books closer to the front of the 'highest rated' and might just assist with a few sales.
You don't have to, but I'd love it if you did.
Licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Almost there!
So, 213,000 words or so and the draft of the new book is done! Now comes the re-read and edit and its almost time for beta-reading, which I still have to work out how to handle. But the news is good. I've got all the words down and the story captured!
Although I may have left one loose end. Something for the edit.
Licks and kisses,
Although I may have left one loose end. Something for the edit.
Licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Free book offer!
For a bit of fun and to try and time late things a bit, I am offering my first book, Nikkirotica 1: Fun with Friends for free until the end of July!
Fellow the ink to the right and use coupon code EA62G.
Licks and kisses,
Fellow the ink to the right and use coupon code EA62G.
Licks and kisses,
Monday, 17 June 2013
Muses, musing and inspiration
I was thinking the other day (yeah, I do that occasionally) as I work toward the end of my current story and realised that I have reached in my mind the conclusion of the saga. That's something of an achievement as previously I didn't really know just quite how to come to a satisfactory end point. Whether its satisfactory for everyone else is another matter entirely. Some Beta reading might just help with that.
So I was musing, and prompted by a picture that I saw on Facebook, I wondered ... What would Steve, Julie, Adriana and Alexis would look like. I mean, I have obviously pictured them in my mind, but I wondered if I could find something that would capture them. I found a couple, maybe I'll post them here some time.
As a teaser, this is the pic that started me thinking.
Then I found this picture which I thought was even more 'Julie-esque'.
It's inspiring! Now I just need to find my Steve, Adriana and Alexis. Feel free to email me anything that you think might fit the bill. Clothing optional of course!
licks and kisses,
So I was musing, and prompted by a picture that I saw on Facebook, I wondered ... What would Steve, Julie, Adriana and Alexis would look like. I mean, I have obviously pictured them in my mind, but I wondered if I could find something that would capture them. I found a couple, maybe I'll post them here some time.
As a teaser, this is the pic that started me thinking.
Then I found this picture which I thought was even more 'Julie-esque'.
It's inspiring! Now I just need to find my Steve, Adriana and Alexis. Feel free to email me anything that you think might fit the bill. Clothing optional of course!
licks and kisses,
Muses, musing and inspiration
I was thinking the other day (yeah, I do that occasionally) as I work toward the end of my current story and realised that I have reached in my mind the conclusion of the saga. That's something of an achievement as previously I didn't really know just quite how to come to a satisfactory end point. Whether its satisfactory for everyone else is another matter entirely. Some Beta reading might just help with that.
So I was musing, and prompted by a picture that I saw on Facebook, I wondered ... What would Steve, Julie, Adriana and Alexis would look like. I mean, I have obviously pictured them in my mind, but I wondered if I could find something that would capture them. I found a couple, maybe I'll post them here some time.
As a teaser, this is the pic that started me thinking.

So I was musing, and prompted by a picture that I saw on Facebook, I wondered ... What would Steve, Julie, Adriana and Alexis would look like. I mean, I have obviously pictured them in my mind, but I wondered if I could find something that would capture them. I found a couple, maybe I'll post them here some time.
As a teaser, this is the pic that started me thinking.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Seeking a Title
So the next thing that is planned for publishing is my series about Steve and Julie. There's history to it with Smashwords as someone stole it and published it as their own and then put it up for sale. Thanks to a loyal fan I found out about it and was thus introduced to Smashwords and self-publishing.
I have re-edited the original pieces published at Literotica and added substantially to the tale (some 30,000 words or so). I'm not finished yet, but am wondering what to call it. I thought that my fans might like some input.
Send ideas to nikkirotica@hotmail.com.
Oh and I might just engage some beta readers. If you've purchased and commented, you might be in with a chance :).
Licks and kisses,
I have re-edited the original pieces published at Literotica and added substantially to the tale (some 30,000 words or so). I'm not finished yet, but am wondering what to call it. I thought that my fans might like some input.
Send ideas to nikkirotica@hotmail.com.
Oh and I might just engage some beta readers. If you've purchased and commented, you might be in with a chance :).
Licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
I've been struggling lately. Life has been busy, I've been challenged and basically, the writing has slowed to a glacial pace.
I'm sure that it's frustrating for my fans as it means nothing new for way too long again but rest assured, it's very frustrating for me too. I am still writing though, just at what appears to be a glacial pace.
licks and kisses,
I'm sure that it's frustrating for my fans as it means nothing new for way too long again but rest assured, it's very frustrating for me too. I am still writing though, just at what appears to be a glacial pace.
licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
The eye
Ok, so as I've mentioned before I currently have some characters having some fun in London. I like to be accurate where I can be, but sometimes you have to stretch the truth in the name of a good story. My characters are about to go on the London Eye and I've never been there. I can get some information from pictures and the like but what i can't tell is if there are security cameras in the pods (for want of a better word). If there are, it makes what I am planning less believable (it'll be a stretch anyway and may change the course of what happens.
I am hoping that someone can tell me please?
I am hoping that someone can tell me please?
Monday, 1 April 2013
Slowly slowly
So i went away camping for the weekend. We went back to the location that inspired 'Caravan Roulette' though I can't say I had the nerve to try it out. I sure thought about it every time I was in the amenities block showering though.
I may have had an orgasm or six there ;)
As to writing .. i managed to cobble together a few more thousand words. It was far short of what I hoped to achieve, but at least it was some writing. Hey a girl has to have fun along the way!
Anyway, just thought I'd give a quick update. Please tell your friends about my books and encourage them to buy their own copy, that way they can all be horny too!
licks and kisses,
I may have had an orgasm or six there ;)
As to writing .. i managed to cobble together a few more thousand words. It was far short of what I hoped to achieve, but at least it was some writing. Hey a girl has to have fun along the way!
Anyway, just thought I'd give a quick update. Please tell your friends about my books and encourage them to buy their own copy, that way they can all be horny too!
licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Tap tap tap...
So I'm a little freaked that 2 weeks have passed since I last posted and mentioned a horizon of end of March until I publish again. Time seems to slip through my fingers like water at the moment. On the plus side there's 10,000+ new words that have been added to the story that I mentioned, but on the down side there's probably at least that many still to get out of my head to satisfy me that it's ready to go.
Then there's proof-reading and editing and the like. Something tells me that I might not quite hit the target this time.
To help out, tell me where in London you might like to see some characters having sex. So far the tube, the eye and Hyde park are on the list.
Then there's proof-reading and editing and the like. Something tells me that I might not quite hit the target this time.
To help out, tell me where in London you might like to see some characters having sex. So far the tube, the eye and Hyde park are on the list.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Still here
Just a quick note ... I've been really busy so there hasn't been much posted here of late. I am however still plugging away in the background. I think I'll target the end of March for a brand new Nikki Dark book. Extension and completion to one of my old epics.
The original parts have been edited and I am adding some extra new adventures for the characters.
licks and kisses,
The original parts have been edited and I am adding some extra new adventures for the characters.
licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Ok, so I've set up a Facebook page. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet as I think this will remain my primary source of updates. If nothing else it's an attempt to broaden my exposure and increase my audience. Feel free to friend me over there.
nikki's Facebook page
nikki's Facebook page
Book sale,
So I thought I'd ry a little sale and reduce the price of my books for a bit and see if it stimulates some new interest. Just click the linksmtomthe right to the books and enjoy it while it lasts!
This includes the Nikki Dark book, The Jansen Twins Holiday of Discovery!
This includes the Nikki Dark book, The Jansen Twins Holiday of Discovery!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Nikkirotica 2
It's available! I've published Nikkirotica 2 at last. Take a look, sample, buy, read, review, do all those wonderful things that you do. I really hope that it gets you all off!
licks and kisses,
licks and kisses,
Friday, 8 February 2013
Getting Close
I always feel when I have the cover designed that I am getting close to publishing. I'm just trying to decide whether to include 3 or 4 stories in this anthology:
I'm looking forward to publishing soon!
licks and kisses,
I'm looking forward to publishing soon!
licks and kisses,
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Story in the making?
I was at the beach over the Australia Day long weekend enjoying the sun, surf and sand. Whilst in the water two girls came in and I was watching because they were both blonde and cute. There were a few other people around, a father and son in particular who were closer to the girls than I was. I didn't't think much more of it other than to hope that the one with the bandeau style bikini top might lose it whilst body-surfing. She didn't sadly.
Anyway, they seemed to be giggling and having a good time but stopped body surfing and staying in the water where it was about neck deep. The father was watching quite closely and the girls seemed to be watching him as we'll.
I caught a few waves and then me girls were leaving. It wasn't until they were nearly on the beach that I realised that they had swapped bikini tops! Suddenly they had mismatched bikinis. And suddenly I wished that I had been part of the fun. I reckon the dad knew what was going on and would have liked to have been in on it too. It could well be my next story :)
Anyway, they seemed to be giggling and having a good time but stopped body surfing and staying in the water where it was about neck deep. The father was watching quite closely and the girls seemed to be watching him as we'll.
I caught a few waves and then me girls were leaving. It wasn't until they were nearly on the beach that I realised that they had swapped bikini tops! Suddenly they had mismatched bikinis. And suddenly I wished that I had been part of the fun. I reckon the dad knew what was going on and would have liked to have been in on it too. It could well be my next story :)
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Time to write
I'm heading away for the next week and hopefully that means that I'll find some time to write. I think I'm nearly there with the last story for the Office series of stories, which should put me in a position to publish again in February.
licks and kisses
licks and kisses
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Yaay, it happened, I have totalled a hundred sales. If you're the lovely person that bought 3 of my books on the 11th of January and can send me proof of purchase, I'll be sure to send you something special.
And as always, reviews earn special treats to!
licks and kisses,
And as always, reviews earn special treats to!
licks and kisses,
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
I've now sold a total of 97 books on Smashwords. I can't wait to get to 100. It seems like something of a milestone worth celebrating. Of course, it would be lovely if that number were more like 100,000 but you have to start somewhere right?
I'll have to try and plan something special if someone can prove to me that they've bought my 100th book!
licks and kisses,
I'll have to try and plan something special if someone can prove to me that they've bought my 100th book!
licks and kisses,
Sunday, 6 January 2013
You can't please everyone ...
I received this feedback a little while back and it's been bugging me off and on.
Hi Nikki. I have been reading your stuff for several years, and voting or your great work. But lately you have become all promise with hardly any delivery.
Can't vote if you don't post. Good luck selling your stuff, but it won't be to me. I downloaded the first couple of samples and they are just not as good.
Won't be buying any, or checking your profile here. I guess you'll bring some fans with you, but you must have lost a lot recently by sporadic posts and promising chapters that never show up.
Wish you the best, but you will want to stop messing around your regulars.
I've been trying to work out why it bugs me. After all, it's far from the worst thing that anyone has ever said about my work and I am old enough to know that you can't please all the people all the time.
I think there's a couple of things.
1. Its anonymous ... if you really are a 'regular' have the balls to provide me an opportunity to respond (the way this was sent doesn't allow that).
2. It claims that my new work isn't as good as my older work. A reasonable amount of what I published at Smashwords was in fact my older work with some additional editing ... especially the first book that I published. So, that strikes me as funny.
3. All promise and no delivery. When I first started writing some 10 years ago, my life was in a different place and I had a lot more time. I work hard to keep writing and fit it in around everything else.
So to that person that someone complain about no delivery I offer this challenge ... do better yourself. Find the time and write something engaging, witty, sexy and that people enjoy. I've read enough other free erotica to know that not everyone can do it.
It's great that you've been enjoying my free work for years and I am saddened that you don't think that it's worth the paltry sum that I charge for it now, but when people start stealing that work and selling it as their own, it's time for me to get that reward for my own efforts.
Thus endeth the rant.
licks and kisses,
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Happy New Year!
I just thought that I'd take a minute to wish everyone that visits a happy new year. I've been busy, though sadly not with writing. I've had two weeks off from work and had hoped to get stuck into something to publish early in the new year, but life got in the way.
There is a Nikki Dark book on the way, with all the old bits edited and only the new to add, though that's likely to take a month to get around to completing.
I also have to finish off the little collection of work/office related stories. I am going to target the end of January to achieve that so we'll see how it goes.
I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and that you remember a little more of your new year's eve than I do! Apparently I had a lot of fun.
licks and kisses,
There is a Nikki Dark book on the way, with all the old bits edited and only the new to add, though that's likely to take a month to get around to completing.
I also have to finish off the little collection of work/office related stories. I am going to target the end of January to achieve that so we'll see how it goes.
I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and that you remember a little more of your new year's eve than I do! Apparently I had a lot of fun.
licks and kisses,
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