
Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Story in the making?

I was at the beach over the Australia Day long weekend enjoying the sun, surf and sand. Whilst in the water two girls came in and I was watching because they were both blonde and cute. There were a few other people around, a father and son in particular who were closer to the girls than I was. I didn't't think much more of it other than to hope that the one with the bandeau style bikini top might lose it whilst body-surfing. She didn't sadly.

Anyway, they seemed to be giggling and having a good time but stopped body surfing and staying in the water where it was about neck deep. The father was watching quite closely and the girls seemed to be watching him as we'll.

I caught a few waves and then me girls were leaving. It wasn't until they were nearly on the beach that I realised that they had swapped bikini tops! Suddenly they had mismatched bikinis. And suddenly I wished that I had been part of the fun. I reckon the dad knew what was going on and would have liked to have been in on it too. It could well be my next story :)

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Time to write

I'm heading away for the next week and hopefully that means that I'll find some time to write. I think I'm nearly there with the last story for the Office series of stories, which should put me in a position to publish again in February.

licks and kisses


Thursday, 17 January 2013


Yaay, it happened, I have totalled a hundred sales. If you're the lovely person that bought 3 of my books on the 11th of January and can send me proof of purchase, I'll be sure to send you something special.

And as always, reviews earn special treats to!

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 8 January 2013


I've now sold a total of 97 books on Smashwords. I can't wait to get to 100. It seems like something of a milestone worth celebrating. Of course, it would be lovely if that number were more like 100,000 but you have to start somewhere right?

I'll have to try and plan something special if someone can prove to me that they've bought my 100th book!

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 6 January 2013

You can't please everyone ...

I received this feedback a little while back and it's been bugging me off and on.


Hi Nikki. I have been reading your stuff for several years, and voting or your great work. But lately you have become all promise with hardly any delivery.
Can't vote if you don't post. Good luck selling your stuff, but it won't be to me. I downloaded the first couple of samples and they are just not as good.
Won't be buying any, or checking your profile here. I guess you'll bring some fans with you, but you must have lost a lot recently by sporadic posts and promising chapters that never show up.
Wish you the best, but you will want to stop messing around your regulars.


I've been trying to work out why it bugs me. After all, it's far from the worst thing that anyone has ever said about my work and I am old enough to know that you can't please all the people all the time.

I think there's a couple of things. 

1. Its anonymous ... if you really are a 'regular' have the balls to provide me an opportunity to respond (the way this was sent doesn't allow that).

2. It claims that my new work isn't as good as my older work. A reasonable amount of what I published at Smashwords was in fact my older work with some additional editing ... especially the first book that I published. So, that strikes me as funny. 

3. All promise and no delivery. When I first started writing some 10 years ago, my life was in a different place and I had a lot more time. I work hard to keep writing and fit it in around everything else.

So to that person that  someone complain about no delivery I offer this challenge ... do better yourself. Find the time and write something engaging, witty, sexy and that people enjoy. I've read enough other free erotica to know that not everyone can do it.

It's great that you've been enjoying my free work for years and I am saddened that you don't think that it's worth the paltry sum that I charge for it now, but when people start stealing that work and selling it as their own, it's time for me to get that reward for my own efforts.

Thus endeth the rant.

licks and kisses,


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year!

I just thought that I'd take a minute to wish everyone that visits a happy new year. I've been busy, though sadly not with writing. I've had two weeks off from work and had hoped to get stuck into something to publish early in the new year, but life got in the way.

There is a Nikki Dark book on the way, with all the old bits edited and only the new to add, though that's likely to take a month to get around to completing.

I also have to finish off the little collection of work/office related stories. I am going to target the end of January to achieve that so we'll see how it goes.

I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas and that you remember a little more of your new year's eve than I do! Apparently I had a lot of fun.

licks and kisses,
