
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Yes, I have updated A Lustful Life. Get on over, check it out and vote! Click the image below.

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Book Title Challenge

As often happens, I've flitted around from one project to the next, but have finally settled on what the next thing out may be. It was supposed to be the romance that I have been working on, but that's stalled a bit lately. I decided to add to and finish off the series that I started at Literotica called Fun at Sorcery School. I'm not happy with the title though. If I'm going to put it on a book cover, I want it to be a bit snappier and a bit racier. It needs to convey a bit more to draw the reader in to reading it. Especially if they're going to have to pay for it.

I've come up with a couple of options and would like to know what you think would be a good fit. I've even left the option open for you to add your own suggestions. Click the link below to vote and let me know what you think!

And if you've previously tried to vote, the link is now working! So have another go please.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 19 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

I have again updated Nikki and Sammi's story, though I must say that I think I cheated a little. I doubt there'll be much surprise in this week's vote, but I wanted to try and regain some momentum and that meant getting something posted. Hopefully you enjoy it enough to forgive me :)

To vote, click the 'Click here to vote' at the end of the entry!

Licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sorcery School

I have been working on an old series of stories that was titled Fun at Sorcery School at Literotica. I have re-edited what was previously written and am currently adding to it before looking at publishing. Thinking about publishing has presented me with the challenge of finding cover art. My usual source didn't really turn up anything that worked for me and so I've been looking around and stumbled across some images that might just be appropriate. (If you click the link it will take you to the webpage I found them at ... credit where credit is due! Most of these are from Alan Gutierrez)

I need to contact the artist and see if there's any chance of being allowed to use one of them. If you happen to know of an artist that would likely let me use their imagery and it looks as good as these, please let me know!

licks and kisses,


Monday, 9 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

*Gasp* I have actually updated Nikki and Sammi's story again. Make sure that you click the link at the bottom of the entry to vote given the Blogger poll widget is still broken!

licks and kisses,


Friday, 6 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi - Polling problems and solutions

Since the last entry in Nikki and Sammi's story was posted, the polling widget that blogger provides seems to have gone kaput. Although it seems to let you vote, it doesn't subsequently provide any information as to the result of that vote. So the current and all previous votes show up as zeros.

This means that I don't know which direction the story is supposed to be going in!

I have found a solution however, using a third party polling service (thanks Polldaddy). So to vote for future directions of the story, I will include a link at the bottom of the post to enable you to have a vote and help me determine the direction it takes.

licks and kisses,
