
Monday, 21 December 2015

The Darkroom Cometh ...

So, if you're interested in what the vote spat out for the cover image (and haven't seen it on Facebook), heres where its at:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Image 7

Image 8


So, I think that makes it pretty clear what the preferred basis for the cover was. I've been using that and kept it fairly simple (due to limited funds and photoshop skills). Here's what it is looking like:

I'm planning to release The Darkroom just before Christmas, so keep your eyes peeled!

In other news, I did start something new. A quick little ditty called Bikini Car Wash. Something to look forward to.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

The Dark Room

There have been times when I thought that this piece of work would never quite make it to the point of being published. It still isn't quite there yet, but its getting much closer. I'm at a point where I'm looking for editing/beta reading, so if you're interested in helping me out, send me a message at

The challenge that comes after that is the cover. I have an idea of what I'd like to to be, but I've not been able to find a suitable image that I can afford and use.

Ideally, for me, the image would be of a sexy young woman hanging photos to dry in a dark room, or a silhoutte of a girl in school uniform walking away with a camera dangling from her hand. I haven't found images to suit either of those ideas. I found this one, but it doen't do what I want. Its not a silhoutte, not a unform and not dark enough.

What I have found is the following set of images, which I think I could turn at least one of into a reasonable cover. The challenge for me is whether the image sells the book and matches the story.  To me it needs to be sexy (its erotica after all) and it needs to connect to the fact that the story's premise really centres around the darkroom itself. 

What do you think? Which image do you think would make the best cover? You can vote for your top 3 HERE.

Image 1: I like the sex factor, would likely have to do something about the background, could work well once title blocks etc are in place

Image 2: I like the lip bite, it speaks to the book as does her youth. Not quite convinced though.
Image 3: Love the sexiness of her pout and hair. Not sure it says darkroom, but a contender

Image 4: Love the pose and the model, not so sure about the dress (and the background would have to be fixed somehow

Image 5: Same dress issue, love the spread legs and pose. Could work? If it was in a school uniform ...

Image 6: Love the black and white, like the fact that she's half undressed on a bed, not sure that it says Darkroom

Image 7: Love the bum and the camera, would likely have to work on the background. A contender
Image 8: If she was wearing a school uniform ... but I don't think so with this one.

So there, that's my thoughts and the images to choose from. Let me know what you think. You can choose 3 when you click to GO TO THE POLL

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Help me with The Darkroom

Hopefully with my seemingly ever decreasing attention to this blog (life has been busy, I swear) some of you are still following along to see what sporadic bits and pieces I post.

Having said that, I have reached the point with the darkroom where the girls are approaching their final lesson in the dark room. They want it to be epic. They want to finish school with a bang and leave with something that they'll never forget from their last opportunity in the dark.

I'm opening up for suggestions. What can the girls do? What can go on in the dark room that they'll never forget? How will they immortalise their memories?

Comment on the post, contact me on facebook, or drop me an email at

I look forward to any and all suggestions. I might even use some of them

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Nikkirotica 3 Published!

Its finally here! Nikkirotica 3 has just been published to Smashwords. Click the image below to get your copy. I'm not sure when it will land on other retailers' websites, but it shouldn't be too long.

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 2 August 2015

Coming Soon ...

I am getting very close to publishing a new book, Nikkirotica 3 - Teachers, Tutors and Naughty Students and wanted a little help. I have been playing around with cover art and would love some feedback as to which of the following 3 covers you prefer by voting via the link at the end of this post:

Cover 1:

Cover 2:

Cover 3:

I'll be cleaning up the text and stuff, these are approximations rather than finished products and are just to give a guide as to what people might prefer.

Click Here to Vote!

Voting closes August 10th

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Word Counts

Yeah, its been way too long since I posted anything here. Life has been interesting, frustrating, busy and all kinds of other things lately. The result has been less of a focus on my writing and more of a focus on putting food on my table. Hopefully there's some light at the end of teh tunnel soon. Never the less, I have managed to do some writing. 

When I look back at what I was couting previously, I note that:
I finally published Sarissa's Sexual Adventures in Sorcery School.
The second Gymnast story was published, 
Sleepwalker 7 was published. 

Nikkirotica 3 has 3 solid stories to it now that I am just trying to have edited. Unfortunately the editor I'd lined up has issues in his own life that has put that on hold. So it's written, it just needs a bit more work and polish before I put it out there for everyone.

And then there's the dark room, the story that I am probably asked to finish more than any other. I am happy to advise that I have made progress. At last report there were 55,000 words, This is now standing at 62,000 words, an extra 7,000!

Anyway, that was all for now, I hope that you're all doing well and staying happy!

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The Dark Room

For those that have followed me here from Literotica (likely most of the people that read this) you're probably familiar with my story The Dark Room. I believe its one of the best things I've ever written, but I left it incomplete (as with so many of my Literotica stories).

It is probably the one story thatI get the most requests for more of and I know that I've said here that I started reworking it. it keeps falling by the wayside for a number of reasons, but one of the main ones is trying to maintain continuity and remember where it was at.

I keep forgetting who has done what with whom? So I am asking for help.

I need a couple of tables that keep me up to date with where I am at. They need to look like this:

Fingered Pussy
Received Oral
Given Oral





Then there needs to be one for each character and the titles across the top obviously need to match the different things that they have done to each other.

Received Oral
Given Oral





So that's the challenge. Is there someone out there that loves the story enough to comb through it and work out what has already transpired so that when I do go to continue it, I don't ruin the flow and can concentrate on the development of the story?

Get in touch with me if you'd like to do it:

licks and kisses,


A Lustful Life Update

Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated again. Head on over to read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 17 May 2015

A Lustful Life Update

Just when you least expect it, Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated again. Head on over to read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Sorcery School Published!

Just a quick note to let you know that Sarissa's Sexual Adventures at Sorcery School has now been published at Smashwords! Click on over to get your copy now!

Click the Cover Image to go to Smashwords

licks and kisses,


Monday, 6 April 2015

Impending Book Launch?

Could it really be? I hear you ask. Yes, Nikki Dark is about to release a new book, so I thought I'd do her a favour and let you all know. I've even been given permission to reveal the cover!

I don't have details of an actual date yet, but have been told that it should be in the next 2 weeks, so keep your eyes peeled and I'll be sure to post again when I know its available.

licks and kisses,


Monday, 23 March 2015

Not Dead

Hey all, I know it has been like forever since I posted anything here. There's been some shit going on in my life that has kept my fingers from the keyboard and my mind off what I'd like to be writing. I haven't given up, but things are going slow.

Nikkirotica 3 is likely the next thing that I will eventually publish.

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 24 February 2015

A lustful life Update

Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated again. Matt has decided to let Nikki have her fun! Head on over to read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,
