
Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Its Published! Head on over to Nikki Dark's Smashwords page to get a copy right now! And if you're new to the series, I've put up a boxed set of all three and a reduced price just because I'm feeling generous.

licks and kisses, 


Thursday, 24 November 2016


So I've come up with something that is currently being edited that hopefully people will be pleased to see out there. I am at that point in time where I am trying to choose a cover and so I am once again enlisting your help!

I've come up with four variants and would like you to vote on which one you like most.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

What? You're still here?

Thanks for stopping by. Clearly I haven't been very good at updating this lately, so I thought it was probably time that I gave a little bit of an update given I am actually doing some writing at the moment. 

I've just finished something that I've called Joey's Millions, another piece that someone commissioned me to write. I think that I'm going to publish it on literotica and if I get around to designing a cover for it, make it free on Smashwords. So that's something for you to look forward to.

There's another Nikki Dark book in the works and hopefully I can bring that to a conclusion by the end of October though I've just been distracted by deciding to finish off something that I left half-finished a long time ago ... a story about a canoe. If you're a long time fan you'll probably know it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, drop me a line and I'll send you the link.

Other than that, life is busy but fun. I hope you're all well, horny and continue to enjoy the bits and pieces that I manage to publish.

licks and kisses,


Monday, 15 August 2016

(S)extending the Curriculum Published!

I just thought that I'd let you know that my latest book has been published! I hope you head on over to smash words (or your other favourite e-book retailer) and grab yourself a copy!

Click the pic to get your copy!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Something new from Nikki

Don't fall off your chair! Nikki isn't dead. She's even been writing. I know this will likely come as a complete surprise, but hey, at least it means that you'll get something completely new to read.

There's two things in the works, one complete and about to be published and the other somewhere between 50 and 80% written depending on how long I drag it out for (and by drag it out, don't worry, it will be lots of sex, not filler that makes it longer).

Anyway, a while back someone asked me if I write commissioned works. I've dabbled with reader requests before and some haven't turned out all that well because what they want isn't what I like to write. This was the first time that someone had actually offered to pay me to write what they wanted though. So we struck a deal, I'd take a stab and we'd worry about money if we both liked where it was going. Well it went well enough that I finished it and now I've decided to share it.

The story is about a wealthy student who wants to fuck his teacher (who's about his mother's age). Let's just say he opts for methods other than seduction.

So that's the premise that I now need two things for. A title and cover art. I've decided to see what you think just to give you something to do (if anyone is still actually reading this).

Title options:

1. Nailing Ms. Masters
2. Blackmailing his Teacher
3. Extended Curriculum
4. Suggest something better ...

As for cover art, I've selected a number of images that could work and have various advantages and disadvantages. Ideally it should be a pic of a woman with a bit of maturity, a somewhat stern visage and dark hair. But being a book title image its really about drawing in someone browsing online so that they might actually at least read a preview.

I've put 11 images in, so pick your top 3.

Image 1: Right colour hair, look is okay, sexiness is good, possibly too young

Image 2: Same as image 1, slightly less overtly sexy, but better pose for a teacher

Image 3: Sexiness is good, not quite the teacher look with the clipboard, but I like the glasses and with half the face obscured, the age is less obvious

Image 4: Sexiness is spot on, would be better in a blouse, anonymity is good, perhaps a bit too much business woman rather than teacher

Image: 5 Sexiness is great, dress style isn't quite right, not particularly teacherly

Image 6: Good pose, the pointer makes it look more teacherly, but the sex factor isn't quite as hot.

Image 7:  Sexiness is great, love the glasses, pose reminds me of a scene in the book which I love, but not overly teacherly, more business like and probably a bit young

Image 8: Sexiness is good, love the glasses, pose is okay, but not overly teacherly, more business like.

 Image 9: I like the pose and the blouse, downsides same as 7 and 8

Image 10: Right amount of stern, possibly young, good teacher image, not enough sexy?

Image 11: I like the way the blouse is straining, glasses are good, stern enough, hair colour isn't right.

My only issue is that if its a shutterstock image rather than an istockphoto one, I need to find a way to pay that doesn't involve a credit card (long story). If as I suspect that the most popular photos come from there, I'm going to have to get creative and appeal for help :). But don't let that influence your choice.

If nothing else, I hope you're at least happy that there's something new in the works!

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Reader Feedback

The first erotic fiction I ever posted was on Literotica back in 2003. Much of it was because I read some stuff that was really ordinary and thought I could do better. I must say that in many cases, I did. One of the mistakes that I made early on though was to write quickly, give it a one over and publish. There was little thought to editing. This, combined with the lack of re-submission friendliness of the Literotica website meant that spelling errors, name errors and other things that made it through my own writing process remain there to this day.

Of course for some people, they are only now discovering these stories for the first time now. Its great that they get to do so and unfortunate that I haven't been able to go back and re-edit and re-post (though I've done that in turning some of my stories into e-books). 

Sometimes that means that even though something is over 10 years old, people still leave feedback that if they'd checked when it was posted, they might simply not have bothered to leave. Typically they're not the first ever person to have found one of my typos or spelling errors!

I've had some feedback recently that just made me shake my head, but then I thought why not share it and the responses that I haven't bothered sending (because most of the time these people leave this stuff anonymously:


Too long for me !! Became boring ..

Too long !! Short and to the point,please... 😌😴

Well what can I say? I didn't realise that I was writing for someone who's attention span is likely about the same size as their under-sized manhood. I'll be sure not to take this into account for my future writing.

This feedback was sent by: Anonymous 


Dude start writing better shit, it gets boring 

Thanks for your highly literate and useful feedback. I will indeed 'write better shit' just for you. Or perhaps I'll write extremely crap shit and force you to read it

This feedback was sent by: Anonymous 


Is it really necessary to keep saying over and over again man, fuck in every other instance when there's sex involved ??? What are you 16 !!! Grow up 

Thanks for your valuable feedback. I clearly lack the skills to maintain your interest and will attach a thesaurus to my head for future writing endeavours. I would also like to thank you for the link to your highly articulate and clearly better class of writing ... oh wait, there wasn't one.

Anyway, sometimes I get genuinely nice feedback, and I thank everyone that does actually provide me with their love and appreciation. I mostly laugh off the crap like I've copied above, but sometimes, just occasionally I wonder what their problem is. I suspect the list is long.

licks and kisses,


Monday, 11 April 2016

Bikini Car Wash Published!

Yes, I found some unexpected time and managed to get this latest story published! Go and treat yourself with a copy today!

So far its only available at Smashwords, but I'm sure it won't be long until it makes its way through to other retailers.

licks and kisses, 


Yes, I am actually still writing!

The title says it all really. As much as I've neglected this little part of my web presence, I have actually been doing some writing lately. There's two things that are in the works in a meaningful way at the moment. The first is close to getting published: Bikini Car Wash. Its a 'quikki' about a group of girls doing more than most in their efforts to fundraise for their new athletics uniforms.

The seconed is a Nikki Dark book likely to be called Letters to Beth. I won't say much more about it at this point other than that it will trace a girl's path to depravity and all kinds of dirty fun. I plan on it being a longer work, but that will depend on just how it goes.

licks and kisses,


Friday, 1 January 2016

The Darkroom is published!

It's been a long time coming, but The Darkroom has finally been published! Head on over to grab your copy now!

licks and kisses,
