There's two things in the works, one complete and about to be published and the other somewhere between 50 and 80% written depending on how long I drag it out for (and by drag it out, don't worry, it will be lots of sex, not filler that makes it longer).
Anyway, a while back someone asked me if I write commissioned works. I've dabbled with reader requests before and some haven't turned out all that well because what they want isn't what I like to write. This was the first time that someone had actually offered to pay me to write what they wanted though. So we struck a deal, I'd take a stab and we'd worry about money if we both liked where it was going. Well it went well enough that I finished it and now I've decided to share it.
The story is about a wealthy student who wants to fuck his teacher (who's about his mother's age). Let's just say he opts for methods other than seduction.
So that's the premise that I now need two things for. A title and cover art. I've decided to see what you think just to give you something to do (if anyone is still actually reading this).
Title options:
1. Nailing Ms. Masters
2. Blackmailing his Teacher
3. Extended Curriculum
4. Suggest something better ...
As for cover art, I've selected a number of images that could work and have various advantages and disadvantages. Ideally it should be a pic of a woman with a bit of maturity, a somewhat stern visage and dark hair. But being a book title image its really about drawing in someone browsing online so that they might actually at least read a preview.
I've put 11 images in, so pick your top 3.
Image 1: Right colour hair, look is okay, sexiness is good, possibly too young
Image 2: Same as image 1, slightly less overtly sexy, but better pose for a teacher
Image 3: Sexiness is good, not quite the teacher look with the clipboard, but I like the glasses and with half the face obscured, the age is less obvious
Image 4: Sexiness is spot on, would be better in a blouse, anonymity is good, perhaps a bit too much business woman rather than teacher
Image: 5 Sexiness is great, dress style isn't quite right, not particularly teacherly
Image 6: Good pose, the pointer makes it look more teacherly, but the sex factor isn't quite as hot.
Image 7: Sexiness is great, love the glasses, pose reminds me of a scene in the book which I love, but not overly teacherly, more business like and probably a bit young
Image 8: Sexiness is good, love the glasses, pose is okay, but not overly teacherly, more business like.
Image 9: I like the pose and the blouse, downsides same as 7 and 8
Image 10: Right amount of stern, possibly young, good teacher image, not enough sexy?
Image 11: I like the way the blouse is straining, glasses are good, stern enough, hair colour isn't right.
If nothing else, I hope you're at least happy that there's something new in the works!