I had a couple of projects on the go. Well, they're still on the go, they've just been delayed. I've been lucky enough to remain employed through this crisis thus far, which is good for me, but possibly not for you. If I had been unfortunate enough to be stood down from work, I'd have been presented with a whole heap of free time in which to write.
I did manage to squeeze out a little COVID-appropriate tale though, so I hope you'll take a look and buy a copy!
In the interests of looking after my loyal fans and those in need, if you email me at nikkidarkerotica@gmail.com and ask me nicely, I'll send you a code for a discount!
I give to you:
Click on the Book Cover to go secure your copy!
And now I'll go back to working on my Exhibitionist and Voyeur series!
licks and kisses,