
Monday, 13 August 2012

I haven't given up!

I know that if anyone actually follows this (I know there's one of you!) then you may be thinking that I've given up. I certainly haven't. The stories that I've selected to put in my first little collection are with my editor and I am waiting to get them back.

I just need to get truly sorted to actually receive money for them and of course come up with a cover for the book. And a title.

If anyone reads this and has a suggestion for a title for a collection of short erotic stories, please feel free to either comment or email them to me.

I was thinking Nikki's Erotic Shorts, but I'm not convinced that is the best title. When I publish my tennis stories, I intend to go with Lust, Set and Match. I am sure that I had something fun thought up for an office based book (or work related at least) but of course now that I want to capture it, can't remember. I must get better at writing these things down!

Tell me what you think I should put on a cover too!

licks and kisses,


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