
Sunday, 21 December 2014

A Lustful Life Update

Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated. Head on over to read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 18 December 2014

What's going on?

Things have been a bit busy and with Christmas coming up, I've been a little distracted. I'm on leave and partying for a couple of weeks so may or may not find much time to write. I hope to get up another post for Nikki and Sammi before the end of the year, but we'll see how hung over I am :)

I have made some progress with other works, so hopefully early in the new year I can manage to publish the sorcery story, Nikkirotica 3 and the romance that seems to have taken me waaaaaay too long to write.

licks and kisses,


Monday, 1 December 2014

A Lustful Life Update

Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated. Head on over to read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Potential Cover Art

Ok, so I have been playing around with cover art for an upcoming release and was curious as to what direction it should take. There's three posted below, have a vote and let me know!

Cover 2:

Cover 3:

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Word Counts

Another periodic update on word count progress:

Shipwrecked - A romance: 44288 (+4000)
The Dark Room - 55508 (+500)
Sorcery Story - 65,000 words. First Draft Complete - 50% First edit complete

Nikkirotica 3 - 22,703 (+6,000)
Gymnast 2 - 13,357, First Draft Complete, First Edit Complete, Beta Read.
Sleepwalker 7 - Concept

licks and kisses,


Monday, 10 November 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Word Counts

Just thought that I'd let you know the latest in terms of word count progress:

Shipwrecked - A romance: 40,477 (+3000ish)
The Dark Room - 55073 (unchanged)
Sorcery Story - 65,000 words. First Draft Complete - Due for first edit!!
Nikkirotica 3 - 14,846 (All new words!)
Gymnast 2 - Concept
Sleepwalker 7 - Concept

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Things have been pretty crazy lately and after a temporary increase in my writing output, this week has been dismal. I have, however, managed to update A Lustful Life. So get on over there and check it out. And vote!

licks and kisses,

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Focus Results so Far

So, after 13 responses, the focus priorites look like:

1. The Dark Room
2. Nikkirotica 3 - Teachers Tutors and Naughty Students
3. Part 2 of the Gymnast Story
4. Another installment in the Sleepwalker Diaries
5. Nikki's First Romance Book
6. The Sexy Sorcery School Tale.

Which is interesting because in terms of completion they probably look like this:

1. The Dark Room - 70%
2. Nikkirotica 3 - Teachers Tutors and Naughty Students - 17%
3. Part 2 of the Gymnast Story - 0%
4. Another installment in the Sleepwalker Diaries - 5%
5. Nikki's First Romance Book - 80%
6. The Sexy Sorcery School Tale. - 90%

So as much as I will take on board what people would like me to work on, the completion state drives some of this as well. I don't want things like my first Romance to sit there forever unfinished when I've put so much into it already. The same with the Sorcery Tale. 

Anyway, it is interesting and ultimately I will get all of these works complete. The timing may change with the voting and I am leaving it open too. So if you haven't had your say, 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Nikkirotica 3 - a teaser

There have been some interesting results to my request as to what I should be focussing on and Nikkirotica 3 has certainly been up amongst the lead so far. I have been working on it this week and have surprised myself. I seem to have managed to knock out about 12000 words in the first of the four planned stories to make up this compilation. Unlike Nikkirotica 1 and 2, these stories will be entirely new!

I thought you might like a little teaser:

    Nancy turned to see Brad sitting in the seat that she'd intended to sit in. She had no reason to think anything of it and took the other seat. They quickly set about going through the math. Half an hour in she started to notice that Brad's attention was wandering. He was starting to spend more time looking at her and less time at the books. Productivity was way down.
    "Is it too hot Brad? you seem distracted."
    She was surprised to see him blush. 
    'Shit I've been busted.' Brad thought to himself. In the last 10 minutes, the sun had moved enough that he was once again being presented with that lovely silhouette. It was distracting him a lot. He couldn't help himself and had to keep peeking as if to inscribe the image on his retinae. "No, its ok, its hot, but well, I'll focus."
    Nancy stood up to get some more water for them. The back of her blouse was stuck to her skin with perspiration and she shook it to get some air flow. While she filled the water she undid the top button. She glanced down to check that she wasn't revealing anything more than she should and then returned to the table. She kept her eye on Brad, suspicious. Sure enough, whenever he thought she wasn't looking his eyes would flick to her chest. As suspected, she was the distraction. She wondered what she should do about it. How could she get him to focus without being obvious about knowing what the problem was? As he pondered his math problem, she pondered her moral one. 

I thought I'd find some visual inspiration too ... I found some potential Nancy's. I might even post them at some point soon.

I was really disappointed when I googled "sexy male student in classroom" to find Brad to discovered just how crap the results were. It reminded me once again of how skewed this world is. Anyway for the boys (and the girls that like girls ...) ...

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Help me out - A question of priorities

So I've been hitting the keys quite hard in the last couple of days and made progress on a number of fronts. As I've noted before in this blog, I tend to get distracted which means that I have a couple of things all working at once. That's great because things are moving but it doesn't give you anything fresh and juicy to read (other than the Lustful Life updates).

Thinking about this, I started to wonder what you, my most treasured and valued readers might actually prefer to see first. So I have a little survey for you. I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to complete it. It's really simple, there's only a single page to rank the 6 things that I currently have in the works.

I can't promise that they'll come out in the order that the survey tells me, but it might mean when I find a bit of time to myself to write that I take it into consideration when I decide what to work on!

I'll try to find a way to update you on the progressive results!

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 12 October 2014

Word Counts

So, what have I managed to do lately? Let's do a quick update on the word counts for you. I haven't made the progress that I would have liked to, but there has been progress!

Shipwrecked - A romance: 37756 (+5500ish)
The Dark Room - 55073 (+2000ish)
Sorcery Story - 53975 words (+3500ish)
Nikkirotica 3 - Still a concept
licks and kisses,


Thursday, 2 October 2014

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Word Counts

Ok, so its been a while and I know I keep talking about certain projects, so i thought I might give a bit better indication of where things currently stand.

Shipwrecked - A romance:  32,200 words of a 50,000 word target
The Dark Room - 52,994 words of a 70,000 word target
Sorcery Story - 49,600 words of a  60,000 word target
Nikkirotica 3 - Teachers, Students etc .. concept only

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 3 September 2014

A Lustful Life Update

Did I mention that Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated? I don't think I have. It has been though, so rush on over and check it out.

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 31 August 2014

Oops! Sleepwalker Diaries Part 5

So a funny thing happened the other day. I decided to box up the first six parts of the sleepwalker diaries and offer it as a collection at a discounted price. When I checked part 5 the title came up in the book as Part 4. That's not good! I thought that I had just uploaded the wrong file but as it turned out it was only the title that was wrong.

I have now corrected this. So if you've already bought it, you might want to download the updated version. If you haven't maybe you'll be interested in the complete set!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Nikki and Sammi

*Gasp* I actually managed once again to get some words together to add to Nikki and Sammi's story. Go enjoy and vote!

Click the pic to go read it and don't forget to vote!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

I pulled my finger out and updated Nikki and Sammi's Story! Go have a read and don't forget to vote!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 24 July 2014

How do you prefer to vote?

Ok, so I looked at my Nikki and Sammi page the other day and noted that all my old polls were displaying their results again. That left me to wonder - how would people prefer to vote?

Do you prefer the old way, with the blogger generated poll that I set on the right hand side, or do you prefer the Polldaddy version that I've been using more recently where you have to click the link to vote?

Let me know by clicking at the end of the post and I'll adopt which ever people prefer!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Hi all, Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated, so be sure to go, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Don't let the shock kill you, but I've updated Nikki and Sammi's story. Click the pic to go read and vote!

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Just a quick update

Just in case you're wondering what's going on in Nikki world, I'm still around. I'm writing and working on a couple of things at once. This isn;t ever really the most productive way for me to work, but its the way it often happens.

So what's in the works? Well there's my long-touted romance that I am working on for a special friend. I'm determined to try and get that to completion. There's also the Sorcery School update that I won't to get out there. I'm not going to put any promise dates out there, by I hope I can find the time to make some decent progress.

I also had an idea for Nikkirotica 3: Teachers, Tutors and Naughty Students

So there you go that's what's going on. Oh and at some point I need to get through another update to Nikki and Sammi's story. So much to write, so little time to do it!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Yes, you may smile once more. I have updated Nikki and Sammi's story for your enjoyment. Please head on over, check it out and vote!

Click the image to get there:

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Yes, I have updated A Lustful Life. Get on over, check it out and vote! Click the image below.

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Book Title Challenge

As often happens, I've flitted around from one project to the next, but have finally settled on what the next thing out may be. It was supposed to be the romance that I have been working on, but that's stalled a bit lately. I decided to add to and finish off the series that I started at Literotica called Fun at Sorcery School. I'm not happy with the title though. If I'm going to put it on a book cover, I want it to be a bit snappier and a bit racier. It needs to convey a bit more to draw the reader in to reading it. Especially if they're going to have to pay for it.

I've come up with a couple of options and would like to know what you think would be a good fit. I've even left the option open for you to add your own suggestions. Click the link below to vote and let me know what you think!

And if you've previously tried to vote, the link is now working! So have another go please.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 19 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

I have again updated Nikki and Sammi's story, though I must say that I think I cheated a little. I doubt there'll be much surprise in this week's vote, but I wanted to try and regain some momentum and that meant getting something posted. Hopefully you enjoy it enough to forgive me :)

To vote, click the 'Click here to vote' at the end of the entry!

Licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sorcery School

I have been working on an old series of stories that was titled Fun at Sorcery School at Literotica. I have re-edited what was previously written and am currently adding to it before looking at publishing. Thinking about publishing has presented me with the challenge of finding cover art. My usual source didn't really turn up anything that worked for me and so I've been looking around and stumbled across some images that might just be appropriate. (If you click the link it will take you to the webpage I found them at ... credit where credit is due! Most of these are from Alan Gutierrez)

I need to contact the artist and see if there's any chance of being allowed to use one of them. If you happen to know of an artist that would likely let me use their imagery and it looks as good as these, please let me know!

licks and kisses,


Monday, 9 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

*Gasp* I have actually updated Nikki and Sammi's story again. Make sure that you click the link at the bottom of the entry to vote given the Blogger poll widget is still broken!

licks and kisses,


Friday, 6 June 2014

Nikki and Sammi - Polling problems and solutions

Since the last entry in Nikki and Sammi's story was posted, the polling widget that blogger provides seems to have gone kaput. Although it seems to let you vote, it doesn't subsequently provide any information as to the result of that vote. So the current and all previous votes show up as zeros.

This means that I don't know which direction the story is supposed to be going in!

I have found a solution however, using a third party polling service (thanks Polldaddy). So to vote for future directions of the story, I will include a link at the bottom of the post to enable you to have a vote and help me determine the direction it takes.

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Nikki Dark

There's a new Nikki Dark book out over at smashwords. You should check it out. It's the 5th book the Sleepwalker Diary series.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Hi all, just thought I'd let you know that Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated and awaits your vote on which way to go! Click the pic to go there!

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Cosplay Bingo Price Reduction

Just thought that I'd let you know that I've dropped the price of Cosplay Bingo to $1.99. If you've always wanted a copy but thought I was asking too much, now is your chance!

Now $1.99!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 15 May 2014

A Minor Bummer

Something happened the other day. Someone was nice enough to rate my book Nikkirotica 1: Fun With Friends over at Smashwords. They rated it 4 out of 5 which is a good rating. The interesting aspect of it was that it was the first time that it had been rated at less than 5 stars. That in and of itself is not a significant issue and I'm not complaining about an honest appraisal of 4 out of 5.

The thing is, because it was the first time that it had been rated at less than 5 stars, it dropped from being the third or fourth top rated erotic book at Smashwords to something significantly less than that. If a book has one rating of 5 stars on the site, it will rank before my book. That means that my book now features on page 145 of the rankings guide. A page that no one will bother to get to (Except for me because I was curious enough to keep searching.)

Now given my book is free, this massive drop in its ranking location doesn't directly affect any money that I make from selling my work (hell its not like this even goes close to being a big money making venture for me) but I was interested to note that it went from being downloaded an average of 10-15 times per day to less than 5 which corresponds to the drop in page views.

Not the end of the world, but interesting to see the impact a single well-intentioned rating can have on the visibility of your book. I always hoped that if nothing else, having that first free book available for so many people to download would mean that people would enjoy it enough to buy one of my others.

Oh well, that's life I guess. Lucky I don't rely on writing to feed myself! lol

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated. I must say, I was surprised by the results of the last vote. I was sure that one of the more sexual options would get up there, but perhaps because all of those votes were split across three choices it made the difference.

Read, enjoy and vote!

Licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Nikki and Sammi's Story Updated

As promised earlier, Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated. Read, enjoy and vote :)

licks and kisses,


Plodding along

I just thought you might like to know that I am still here and still writing. Things have been a bit slow lately with life getting in the way. I have however managed to get the next bit of Nikki and Sammi's story ready for posting once the current vote ends.

I have also been continuing to work on the oft-neglected romance that I've previously mentioned. It's getting up toward 20,000 of the 50,000 word target that I've set myself.

I have another of the Sleepwalker Diaries almost ready to go. I just need to re-read and edit again and then find some time to publish it. Hopefully that's not too far away.

I have some other ideas bumping around, including an addition to my old story The Dark Room which I know a lot of people have asked for since it was originally published. One day people, one day.

Other than that, I've been toying with Nikkirotica 3, another collection of short stories which will pluck some of my older works from their slumber and mix it with something new.

So as you can see, there's things bumping around, its getting them to line up and flow from my head to the computer that seems to be the challenge at the moment.

Licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

it's a little overdue, but I finally posted an update to Nikki and Sammi's Story! Enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Nikkirotica 1

Just in case you're interested, I recently updated the first book that I published on Smashwords, Nikkirotica 1: Fun With Friends. I had occasion to be reading it and stumbled across a couple of typos and some clumsy sentences, so I did something about it.

So if you're a proud owner of this piece of my work, you just might like to update your copy ;)

Oh yes, and you may not have noticed that Nikki Dark slipped in Diary of A Sleepwalker 4 ... you should check that out too.

licks and kisses,


Friday, 11 April 2014

Selling Houses Her Body

It's up! A brand new book. Yes, I didn't tease you with lots of waiting, no pre-orders, just bam, there it is!

Go and check it out, I hope that you enjoy it.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 10 April 2014

Nikki and Sammi Update

Just to let you know, Nikki and Sammi's story has been updated. Go have fun. Read, Vote, do those things that make me a happy little author :) Feel free to buy a book even!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 3 April 2014

A Lustful Life - Nikki and Sammi's Story

The next installment in Nikki and Sammi's story has been posted. Go read, enjoy and vote.
Oh and its interesting to note that the finger in the bum question received as many votes as any other end of installment question ever. And yet not one person said don't do it. Kinky devils the lot of you.

licks and kisses,


Monday, 31 March 2014

Cosplay Bingo - Out Now!

Yes, the day is finally here, Cosplay Bingo is now available to the world! Get your copy now. As a special treat, for the first 10 buyers that claim it from me, I will send them a scan of a peronalised, signed copy of the cover.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Nikki and Sammi - the next instalment

I did it. I finally managed to post the next instalment in Nikki and Sammi's story. Check it out, vote and set the direction!

licks and kisses,


Monday, 24 March 2014


I was checking Literotica as I occasionally do to see if anyone has left any recent comments on my stories.

I found this against my story Tied:
New CommentComment was removed by administration
It's the first time I've ever seen that happen! I have occasionally removed comments. Not because they're negative, I usually leave those alone as everyone is entitled to an opinion (even if they are like arseholes ... everyone has one).  The ones that I have removed have sometimes been too wordy to actually say anything useful or just plain offensive.

Given some of the things people have written, I am really curious as to how bad the comment that has been removed was!

And speaking of comments and feedback, one of my great frustrations is that I still get comments about stories needing an editor years and years after those stories were posted. I know they do, but Literotica isn't very friendly when it comes to updating an old story.

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Nikki and Sammi

The latest instalment of Nikki and Sammi's story has been posted. Go check it out and vote!

Nikki and Sammi's story

licks and kisses,


Monday, 17 March 2014

Beta Readers - Rochelle's Story

I don't know how many people here have read my story on Literotica titled Rochelle Sells ... Houses, but I've always thought that it needed a bit more (like so many of the stories that I have abandoned there).

I'm not sure why I picked that one to update recently, but I did and now it's ready for a beta read. I'm thinking it might be titled Selling <s>The House</s> Her Body but that is only a working title at this time.

Anyway, if you would like to give it a beta read, please email me at and I'll let you know the terms under which it happens and what I am looking for (there is a bit of work involved!)

licks and kisses,


Monday, 3 March 2014

Cosplay Bingo Launch

Yo u may be pleased to know that my completely new, all original story Cosplay Bingo is finally published! It will be released on the 31st of March! Check it out at your favourite ebook retailer (or click on the picture below) and feel free to pre-order where possible.

licks and kisses,



Smashwords is having a read an ebook promotion and I have decided to participate. What does this mean for you! It means you can pick up, for this week only almost all of my published works for free! Both Nikki Hall and Nikki Dark books are available, so head on over and cash in on my generosity.

Oh and with the impending release of Cosplay Bingo (yes, I promise it really is still coming) I've gone and released part 3 of the Sleepwalker Diaries as Nikki Dark. Check it out.

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 27 February 2014

Nikki and Sammi

Ok, so something weird went down when I tried to update Nikki and Sammi's story from my ipad. I've fixed it all up now and reset the poll.

Go check it out, vote and enjoy!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Thousands and a request for Beta

It was only a few days ago that my free book, Nikkirotica 1 passed 2000 downloads. I have to say that I find that very pleasing! It would be even nicer if each of those people loved my book enough to then purchase the rest of my work, but I can't go getting too fussy :)

In other news, I'd like a couple of people to beta read my cosplay bingo book before I release it so if you're up for the job, please drop me an email at and I'll let you know what I'm looking for and see if you can help me out.

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 16 February 2014

Nikki and Sammi update

Another installment in my reader's choice story has been posted. Head on over and check it out and don't forget to vote!

If you're unsure how to get there, click here.

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Coming soon ...

I hope you're excited about it ... I am!

licks and kisses,


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

ComicCon Bingo Progress

I am continuing to work towards the conclusion of ComicCon Bingo and thought that I'd show you some of the inspiration for the latest encounter ...

licks and kisses,


Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Reader's Choice

Did I mention that the latest installment of Nikki and Sammi's adventure has been posted here? Read and vote my lovely friends!

licks and kisses,

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Harley Quinn

This delightful young lady's cosplay is the inspiration for the next scene that I am writing for my Comic Con Bingo story ... just to let you know that I am indeed still writing and working towards something new.

licks and kisses,


Saturday, 25 January 2014

It's alive!

Hey there friends, I just thought that I would let you know that I did something I didn't think I was going to. I continued my little experiment of a story.

It's pretty raw, I haven't really even edited it, so if you find any little errors, please let me know so that I can correct them. How much effort I put in is really determined by how much it's appreciated at this point.

Go reacquaint yourself with Nikki and Sammi, have a read, enjoy and vote!

licks and kisses,


Thursday, 16 January 2014

An Update

I thought I'd quickly share 2 things with you:

1. There's a new Nikki Dark Book available and
2. A friendly reader pointed out a name mix up in one of the stories in Nikkirotica 2: Office Lust. I have corrected this and uploaded a new version to Smashwords. If you'd like a corrected copy, head on over and download it now!

licks and kisses,


Sunday, 5 January 2014

What happened to Nikki?

You may be wondering, given the complete lack of anything from me over the last couple of weeks, or you may not have even noticed. For those that might care though, I just happened to decide to enjoy my holiday break with very limited access to technology.

I took a break from writing, from facebook and spent some time just enjoying life.

Don't worry though, I'm back now and still the same old me. I'll be writing again very very soon.

licks and kisses,
