
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Help me out - A question of priorities

So I've been hitting the keys quite hard in the last couple of days and made progress on a number of fronts. As I've noted before in this blog, I tend to get distracted which means that I have a couple of things all working at once. That's great because things are moving but it doesn't give you anything fresh and juicy to read (other than the Lustful Life updates).

Thinking about this, I started to wonder what you, my most treasured and valued readers might actually prefer to see first. So I have a little survey for you. I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to complete it. It's really simple, there's only a single page to rank the 6 things that I currently have in the works.

I can't promise that they'll come out in the order that the survey tells me, but it might mean when I find a bit of time to myself to write that I take it into consideration when I decide what to work on!

I'll try to find a way to update you on the progressive results!

licks and kisses,


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